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Visual Basic - Solution 5 ( La taupe )
Interface graphique :
Il y a très peu à dire au sujet de l'interface, puisqu'il s'agit de dessiner
directement sur le fond de la feuille (Form1).
Code de la feuille Form1 :
Dim t(1 To 10, 1 To 10) As Long
Dim p(1 To 100) As XY 'Parcours
Dim c As Integer 'déplacement Courant (n ième Coup)
Private Sub Form_Activate( )
Dim i As Integer
Form1.Scale (-0.01, -0.01) - (10.01, 10.01)
For i = 0 To 10
Form1.Line (i, 0) - (i, 10)
Form1.Line (0, i) - (10, i)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim r As Double
Dim Xnew As Integer, Ynew As Integer
c = 1
p(c).X = Int(X) + 1
p(c).Y = Int(Y) + 1
marquer vbGreen
If impasse Then
marquer vbRed
If c
= 1 Then
MsgBox "Aucune solution !!!"
Exit Do
'reculer d'un pas
c = c - 1
Else ' Il
existe donc au moins une solution
r =
Int(Rnd * 4) * 1.57 'Choix aléatoire de la direction en radians
= p(c).X + CInt(Cos(r))
= p(c).Y + CInt(Sin(r))
Xnew > 0 And Xnew <= 10 And Ynew > 0 And Ynew <= 10 Then
'pas hors-cadre
If t(Xnew, Ynew) = 0 Then 'case vide
c = c + 1
p(c).X = Xnew
p(c).Y = Ynew
marquer vbBlue
End If
End If
Loop Until p(c).X = 10 And p(c).Y = 10
End Sub
Sub marquer(couleur As Long)
t(p(c).X, p(c).Y) = couleur
Form1.Line (p(c).X - 1, p(c).Y - 1)-(p(c).X, p(c).Y), couleur, BF
Form1.CurrentX = p(c).X - 1
Form1.CurrentY = p(c).Y - 1
Form1.Print c
End Sub
Function impasse() As Boolean
impasse = True
If p(c).X + 1 <= 10 Then If t(p(c).X + 1, p(c).Y) = 0 Then
impasse = False
If p(c).X - 1 > 0 Then If t(p(c).X - 1, p(c).Y) = 0 Then
impasse = False
If p(c).Y + 1 <= 10 Then If t(p(c).X, p(c).Y + 1) = 0 Then
impasse = False
If p(c).Y - 1 > 0 Then If t(p(c).X, p(c).Y - 1) = 0 Then
impasse = False
End Function
Code à placer dans un module :
Public Type XY
X As Integer
Y As Integer
End Type
( retour à l'énoncé )